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Coordination and Evaluation Center (CEC)

As indicated on the project description found on the NIH Diversity Consortium website, “The overall purpose of the NIH Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center (CEC) at UCLA is to provide operations and data coordination and support, and to conduct a longitudinal evaluation, in support of the Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) and the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) programs (known collectively as the NIH Diversity Program Consortium). The CEC will promote a collaborative environment across BUILD sites and NRMN network, and NIH, and will work closely with the NIH Diversity Program Consortium Executive Steering Committee (ESC) to ensure the successful achievement of all Consortium objectives.”

Lead Principal Investigator: Keith C. Norris, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Medicine, Geffen School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles